Philips Avent

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Supporting moms throughout their pregnancy journeys

Mom playing with baby

Rooted in our shared vision that all moms deserve the best, especially when it comes to their health and well-being, March of Dimes welcomes Philips Avent as a new sponsor of our It Starts With Mom maternal health education campaign in 2024.

In 2024, the global brand launched its new #ShareTheCare brand positioning and movement. It called on families, friends, and communities to help moms and all new parents share the care, so they can prioritize their well-being and self-care to provide the best care for baby. Their new positioning is backed by research, revealing that moms often feel guilty spending time on themselves, finding that almost half of moms (44%) are under pressure to “do it all.”*

shutter stock image mom and baby

Together, Philips Avent and March of Dimes believe a healthy baby starts with a healthy mom. However, in a recent poll, March of Dimes found that two out of three women feel like moms are forgotten once the baby is born.** Our It Starts With Mom campaign equips women not only with trusted health information and resources, but with community support and encouragement to help moms feel seen and valued throughout the critical phases of pregnancy and beyond.

By sponsoring March of Dimes’ It Starts With Mom campaign coupled with their #ShareTheCare movement, Philips Avent is advancing their commitment to supporting women throughout their parenting journeys, and encouraging them to lean on loved ones to help out when they need time for themselves.

By taking care of moms, March of Dimes and Philips Avent are working to improve the health and well-being of parents, babies, and families.

Learn more about It Starts With Mom