Statement of March of Dimes President Stacey D. Stewart on the ruling in Texas v. United States

December 18, 2018

"March of Dimes is profoundly troubled by the decision in Texas v. United States. This is a destructive ruling, which has the potential to disrupt health insurance for millions of women, children and families. Since passage of the Affordable Care Act, record numbers of women of childbearing age and children have obtained affordable, quality health insurance. Individuals with pre-existing conditions, including prior pregnancies or preterm births, have been ensured access to coverage and all women have been guaranteed access to maternity and newborn care in every health plan. This ruling threatens to reverse all of these protections and the progress they have made possible. March of Dimes will continue to work closely with policymakers and other stakeholders to ensure every mom, baby and family has access to quality, affordable health care that covers the services they need. We look forward to the reversal of this decision on appeal."

Christine Sanchez (571-257-2307)
[email protected]